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My reading of NTK's political manifesto

Here are some highlights from Naam Tamilar Katchi/NTK's political manifesto that i found interesting.

In its manifesto NTK clearly lists out all the fascist policies and programs of BJP that it opposes.
NTK opposes Adani's Kaatupalli port expansion, Hydrocarban, Neutrino, Methane and all other projects that seek to destroy the environment.

NTK's manifesto also clearly states the reasons as to why it opposes NEET, CAA, NPR, NRC, UAPA, NIA, EIA, etc.

It also condemns the new education policies of the BJP Govt and calls it an imposition of the Varnasrama Dharma. It is vital for political parties to put forwards it position on these issues because the Dravidian parties have a track record of betraying people.

DMK's support for NIA is a good example of this behaviour.

Infact the first manifesto released by  DMK this year had to be revised because it didnt mention its position on matters like the Adani Port Expansion project etc. That is how lightly they take these matters.

Apart from this, NTK also highlights the need to oppose the Coastal Regulation Zone notification(CRZ). I think NTK is the only party that addresses this issue in its manifesto. In fact Akka Kaliammaal, the candidate of NTK Poombuhar has protested against this project and has also conducted meetings to rasing public awareness against this project.

NTK's manifesto also highlights the issues pertaining to the IT industry. It encourages employee unions and wants the industry to increase the minimum wage and wants it to be raised every year to avoid labour exploitation and also seeks to improve the working conditions of the IT labourers. 

NTK's manifesto also demands separate constituencies for women. As the only party that is fielding the highest number of women candidates in the election and as the only party that provides 50% reservation to women in politics. NTK demands separate/exclusive constituencies for women to ensure that more women can participate in the political process. This is one of the many fundamental changes that they want to see in the political system. 
NTK has also stated that it would refer to Tamil temples as assets and heritage sites of Tamilam religion, a cultural identity that puts the Tamil language before the religious identities. It even calls for renaming the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department as Tamil Religious and Charitable Endowments.

It is worth noting here that this is not the first time NTK is mentioning this. NTK through its Veera Tamilar Munnani has put this desanskritisation policy into action for a while now. You can track those activities by clicking here

NTK is the only party in TN that rejects the 'Hindu' identity. Through Veera Tamilar Munnani NTK has taken legal action against Mr.Sri×3 ravi sankar and has successfully prevented him from hosting an event in Tamil heritage site Thanjai Periya Kovil.

NTK has also taken actions to desanskritise the Murugan identity. It has also participated in the legal battle to hold Thanjai Periya Kovil's Kudamulukku(kumbabisegam) in Tamil and won it.

After that NTK has also through a legal battle made Kudamulukku in Tamil a compulsory tradition in all temples throughout TN.

NTK also forced the ADMK government to announce Thai Poosam as a State holiday.

Apart from that NTK's manifesto also focuses on the environment. It says that it would take action against all programs and illegal appropriation of forest land.

Thiru.T.Vennila, secretary of the environmental wing of NTK even filed a public interest litigation petition against Sun Pharma company's appropriation of land from Vendathangal Bird Sanctuary and had been instrumental in saving the sanctuary.
NTK's Vanam Seivom tree planting movement is well known, it has now over 3500+ volunteers in it, performing various tasks aimed at protection  the environment NTK's Vanam Seivom action is documented here in this website 🖥️
Interestingly it is another area of the policy that is already in action.

These are some of the policies of NTK that have already been implemented.
These clearly shows that NTK is driven by ideology and principles and has already started to deliver on its promises in the manifesto.

Many NTK youth leaders have been fighting against sand mining and other threats to the environment in their local constituency.
Natham's candidate Prof.Sivasankaran is leading by example in this matter. You can see his actions in the following link..

To see how the NTK's policies are put into action, check out this thread where Prof.Sivasankaran very clearly outlines how he intends to implement the policies in the manifesto on a local level.

These are just some snapshots of NTK's manifesto. NTK is driven by an ideology and a policy, and that is why it is able to make an impact amongst the educated youth. To reduce NTK's politics as something that totally relies on Seeman's oratory skill is a very poor assessment of the ground reality. NTK's engagement with the youth is not along personality politics, but along policy related politics. 

NTK has action groups and Paasarais for all matters. They are managed like ministerial departments. Many youth participate in these paasarai, form groups and work towards an action plan. They organise themselves, educate themselves and then seek to rectify the issues or agitate against them. This politicisation isn't driven by just speeches, it is driven by strong policies and principles. 

தத்துவத்தை தலைமையேற்ற கட்சி
NTK is a party led by an ideology

-Mr. பழுவேட்டரையர்


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