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Sri Lanka's Assassination List

The Sri Lankan Government and India's Peace Keeping Force along with their proxies and paramilitary groups like EPDP, ENDLF, TELO and EPRLF(old factions) have collectively been responsible for the largest number of assassinations that were carried out in Sri Lanka.

From politicians, to Journalists, no one was spared. Assassination was used as a counterinsurgency tool to kill dissenting voices and voices that expressed their fundamental right to freedom of speech and expressed and exposed reason.

The Sri Lankan Government and its propiganda spouting media houses always carry a list of assassination carried out by the Tamil Tigers. In this list while some of the assassinations claimed by the Tigers are noted, a large part of the list is flawed because it tends to blame the Tigers for the assassinations carried out by the Sri Lankan Government through its military and paramilitary forces and IPKF and its side kicks.

Here is a list of some of the politicians, journalists, activists, poets assassinated by the SL Government, IPKF, EPDP and all other groups associated with them.

Members of Parliament, Journalists, Academics and other politicians massacred by SL Government/IPKF/EPDP and other armed factions - #அறிவோம்ஈழம் 


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