I have always been very clear about my position on Dravidam and Thanthai Periyar as a Tamil Nationalist. But since this a question that keeps coming up again and again, i thought ill put it in writing. My problem with Dravidam is not related to its ideology. I don’t see Dravidam and Tamil Nationalism as conflicting ideologies; I see them as ideologies that complement each other. My criticism of Dravidam is purely restricted to its claim as an alternative to the 'Tamil' identity or the political identity of the Tamil Nation. The idea that we should identify ourselves primarily as Dravidians is something that I don’t agree with, and the whole notion that the Dravidian identity is necessary to highlight the casteless nature of the Tamils is utter bullshit. Secondly, my criticism of Dravidam is related to the Dravidian political brand in electoral politics, which paved the way for the institutionalization of caste (as Prof. Tho. Paramasivan himself established in his...
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